Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Natural Selection: How fast can you run?

Imagine a multiplayer first-person shooter that takes place in an abandoned mining facility. You are a member in a squad of marines sent to secure the mine, which happens to be infested with ravenous aliens. Not a shabby assignment, except these creatures are no ordinary opponents.

Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection on Steroids

They climb walls, fly, spew acid, breathe poison and can swallow armored marines whole. Oh, did I mention the aliens evolve so fast they might as well be shapeshifting? They can develop thicker skins, faster speed, quieter movement, invisibility, and many more abilities at will.

All you get to start with is a light machinegun, 100 bullets and a backup sidearm. You’re not alone though. The success of the team depended on everybody working under a single commander, who coordinates the team and sees the battlefield in an overhead view.

The aliens may be faster, stronger and more versatile than you or your team, but you have the resources of the TSA backing your unit; portable armories, arms labs, motion scanners, and when backed against the wall: heavy armor exoskeletons. Just hope that your commanding officer isn’t an idiot and go in blazing.

And if you lose, that’s okay. Try being one of the aliens.

This intense first person shooter feels real and will have players alert for the soft tap tap tap of alien feet or the heavy boots of human marines. If you’ve never tried this game and have a copy of Half Life already, I highly recommend trying it, there is still a regular online community and games can be found easily.

A small team of developers based in San Francisco made all this possible in the early 2000s. Since those early days they have formed Unknown Worlds Studios, an enterprise funded partly by its loyal fans. The original Natural Selection used the Half Life 1 engine and was known as the best Half Life mod of its time. The game can be downloaded at Unknown Worlds and requires a copy of Half Life to run.

Natural Selection 2 is Coming

Despite several bumpy starts, Natural Selection 2 has confirmed its upcoming debut on Steam’s digital distribution platform. The game is currently going through a pre-alpha engine testing stage (that’s preliminary testing for all the normal people out there) but is looking good. The majority of character models and in-game props already finished and the game is at a point where players can perform basic combat.

Pre-orders for the game are available at Unknown Worlds. There is a basic package for $20 USD which includes access to the beta and the game. A special edition is also available for $40 USD and that includes access to the alpha, beta, a special in-game suit of armor and last but not least, the developers’ eternal gratitude.

Surprisingly, the majority of pre-orders have been for the special edition.

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